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3 Do’s and Don’ts On Your Wedding Day

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For some people, you have been dreaming about your wedding day since you can remember.  For others, it might just be a pleasant surprise.  Regardless of where you’re at, your wedding day is super special and means a WHOLE lot!  That said, it can cause a lot of stress planning your special day.  Therefore, I wanted to share my experience and write about my 3 do’s and don’ts on your wedding day!

Do Eat Breakfast On Your Wedding Day

wedding breakfast

This may seem super obvious but here it goes.  Do eat a good breakfast.  Brides have usually lost those 10 pounds to fit in that dress or at the very least been on a work out regimen.  So the idea of actually eating the morning before your ceremony sounds obscene!

Here’s the thing, your nerves are already going to be out of control.  So you don’t want to get HANGRY before taking your vows.  Or be too jacked up on coffee with an empty stomach.  For that reason, PLEASE eat a nutritious breakfast before you start your day with hair & makeup etc.

Don't Drink Too Much The Night Before

Wedding Drinks

Listen, you don’t want to be hung over on your wedding day.  I have witnessed this at a few weddings and it’s not pretty.  Whether you are someone who likes to party or just drink wine with dinner when you go out, this could happen to anyone.  Unless you are completely sober then this one doesn’t apply.

Being hungover on your wedding day is not only uncomfortable for you, BUT it slows down the timeline. If you are running to the bathroom constantly or needing to lay down you are going to miss the most special day of your life!  That’s no fun for anyone, most importantly your spouse!  

Do Feed Your Vendors

Wedding vendor

After picking out your venue, picking out the right vendors is everything when it comes to wedding planning.  Your vendors are the people who are going to make everything happen for you.  For this reason, you don’t want to cheap out on feeding them.  Just as I mentioned before that you don’t want to be HANGRY on your wedding day, you don’t want your vendors to feel the same way.  If they are cranky then they will probably fall short on their duties. It’s a lose lose for everyone.

Don't Focus On The Negative

Notes that says may you two always stay together with love

Listen, sometimes everything goes 100 percent perfectly on your wedding day.  Other times there might be a hiccup or two.  Like it might rain (which we know is good luck), or your family might get stuck in traffic and miss the ceremony or flowers don’t look right to you.  Whatever the issue is, let it go.  You can’t control everyone or anything ever and especially on your special day.  Stay in the moment and enjoy.  Remember everything happens for a reason and most of the time it gives great material for story telling down the road.

Do Bring Flats If You Plan On Dancing

When it comes to fashion some girls are all about their shoes!  Even more so than the dress.  So if you plan on going all out with your shoes remember to bring flats so you can get down on that dance floor.  They also help when you are walking around and saying hello to everyone.  Keep those heels for your photographs.

Don't Try To Please Everyone

Depending on what your family is like, people pleasing can be hard to avoid sometimes.  Remember, this is YOUR day.  So what if uncle Tom doesn’t get along with your step parents or if the food menu doesn’t work for everyone.  This day is about celebrating your love.  That’s it.  Everything else is gravy!


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Bride & groom toasting with text overlay "3 do's & don'ts on your wedding day"